
The project was developed by the Swiss College for Primary Care Medicine (Kollegium für Hausarztmedizin, KHM), the Stiftung der Schweizer Hausärztinnen und Hausärzte zur Förderung der Hausarztmedizin [the foundation of Swiss primary care physicians for the promotion of primary care medicine], with financial support from Health Promotion Switzerland in 2006-2008.

The organisers of the subsequent pilot project 2008-2011 in the canton of St Gallen are the Ärztegesellschaft des Kantons St Gallen [the medical society of the canton of St Gallen] (and its project group), and the Swiss College for Primary Care Medicine KHM.

The following national partners provided financial funding for the project in 2008-2011:

Health Promotion Switzerland, Swiss Tobacco Prevention Fund, Pfizer AG, Oncosuisse, Federal Office of Public Health (directorate for health policy and national strategy for migration and health), Conference of Cantonal Health Directors, Fondation Sana, Novartis Switzerland, MSD, Frei von Tabak [free from tobacco], Sanofi Aventis, Swiss Heart Foundation.


The organisers and main funders of the Health Coaching KHM programme for 2015-2018 are:

  • Swiss College for Primary Care Medicine:

  • Federal Office of Public Health, department for health professions
  • Swiss Tobacco Prevention Fund


Main funders of preceding periods: